What is interface in java and what are the example of java interface

Interface in Java with Example

Welcome to an in-depth study into Java interfaces, complete with real-world examples. This comprehensive guide will delve into the realm of Java programming, focusing primarily on interfaces and their practical applications. We've written a comprehensive guide to help you understand interfaces in Java and how to utilize them successfully.

What is a interface in java?

A interface in java is an essential component of the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm in Java. It establishes a framework for classes to follow in order to ensure that certain methods are implemented. Interfaces enable you to achieve full abstraction in your code by providing a collection of method signatures but not the actual implementation. Any class that implements an interface must offer concrete implementations for all of the interface's functions.

Creating an Interface

To create an interface in Java , you use the interface keyword, followed by the interface name. Here's the basic syntax:


An interface can include constant fields (public, static, final) and method signatures, but it cannot have method implementations. The primary purpose is to define what a class should do, not how it should do it.

Creating an Interface

It is simple to put an interface in place. In the class definition, you utilize the implements keyword. As an example:

MyClass implements the MyInterface interface in this scenario and must give a concrete implementation for the doSomething() method. This enables the design of classes that comply to a certain contract, resulting in more ordered and manageable code.

Interface Inheritance

Interfaces can also extend other interfaces, resulting in an interface hierarchy. All methods in the entire hierarchy must be implemented by a class that implements an interface with parent interfaces. Here's an illustration:

Real-World Applications of Java Interfaces

Interfaces are not just theoretical constructs; they have practical applications in real-world scenarios. Here are a few examples:

GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)

Java's ActionListener interface is used in graphical user interfaces to collect events such as button clicks. You can describe what happens when a button is clicked by implementing this interface. This is a critical component in developing interactive and responsive user interfaces in Java applications.

2. RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

Java interfaces are used in web development to build service contracts for remote procedure calls in technologies such as RMI (Remote Method Invocation). This ensures that clients and servers communicate without interruption. The interface acts as a contract, indicating which methods can be called remotely.

3. Plugin Frameworks

In plugin systems, Java APIs are often employed. Developers design interfaces that plugins must implement in order for software applications to be extensible and customizable. This technique separates the application's core from plugins, improving maintainability and lowering complexity.

Java Interface vs. Abstract Class

It is critical to grasp the distinctions between interfaces and abstract classes in Java. While both provide method signatures, they are not the same. Here are some examples of comparisons:

Interfaces support multiple inheritance, which means that a class can implement numerous interfaces while only extending one abstract class.

Interfaces cannot have constructors or instance variables, although abstract classes can.

Method implementations can be found in abstract classes, while method signatures can only be found in interfaces.

Best Practices for Using Interfaces

Follow these best practices while working with interfaces in Java:

Use relevant and descriptive interface names that represent the purpose of the interface.

To retain the contract's integrity, keep the methods in your interface as abstract as feasible.

Make sure your interfaces are consistent and not unduly complicated. Break them down into smaller, more focused interfaces if necessary.

Completely document your interfaces, including comments and explanations for each method and its purpose. This helps other developers understand them and guarantees code consistency.